November 8, 2007

Marense Bible distribution

So this doesn't have much to do with distributing Bibles but I like the pic. Just a millet field at sunset.
Cory Wilson - former missionary to the Marense - presenting a Bible to a chief in Sagtambila.
Marense guys reading the Bible in their own language for the first time. The guy on the right is a local pastor who joined us for the trip.
Tiffany Folse - another former missionary to the Marense - presenting a Bible to an old Christian lady in the village of Tafgo.
Again - nothing to do with distributing Bibles - but how can you not love the pic? This is another Marense chief who received a Bible.

Great Northern Adventure

This is our vacation crew in front of the Alamo. Just kidding. Actually this is one of the "seven famous mosques" in Bani. From left to right the crew is me - Tiffany - Bianca - Nichole - Ami - and Cory Fish. Nichole and Ami serve at an orphanage in Yako ( Cory and Bianca are with the Peace Corps. Tiffany is with me. Oh and she was a part of the Marense Bible distribution.
These are the dunes at Oursi.
This is an amazing baby praying mantis. Or is it a pygmy praying mantis?
This is me with my camel Smarty Jones. The guides told me its name was Emily but I didn't feel that was an appropriate name so I changed it.
Nichole appreciating an amazing chameleon we came across in the desert.
See more photos of our adventure at

Burkina newsletter #31

Greetings from Burkina Faso! The past few weeks have been a break from the norm – a blessed break. It started with a reunion of several former missionaries (and great friends of mine) to the Marensé people. They came to distribute the newly-printed Marensé New Testament. In all we visited and distributed the Bible in 13 villages. The reception of the Word was almost universally enthusiastic – even among non-Christians. This causes me to ponder whether I still have the appropriate joy over the fact that I have always had the Word of God written in my language and that I am literate enough to able to read it. It was a great privilege and experience for me to travel with the team as they shared the written Word of God with the Marensé for the first time. It was also a great time of fellowship with dear friends. I am thankful for these opportunities.

After most of the Marensé Bible distribution team left, I took a short vacation to northern Burkina – the sandy part. It was fascinating to explore another very unique part of God’s creation. It’s not everyday that you get to ride on a camel, see a chameleon, watch countless shooting stars, and sleep on a sand dune. This was also another great time of fellowship with several of my good friends serving in different ways here in Burkina. [Coming soon: photos of my vacation and the Marensé Bible distribution on and my new photo site: ]

One of the places we stayed in Gorom happened to be a Catholic orphanage. We spent part of one morning visiting the children and learning about the ministry there. Then after our vacation, I joined a few of my vacation buddies for another short visit to the orphanage in Yako (Nichole and Ami – part of our vacation group – serve there). Each time I visit this special place I learn more about the many challenges they face in caring for about 40 orphans. Each time I leave the orphanage I leave with a greater appreciation for the ministry and witness they are providing. Caring for widows and orphans is one of the many ministries that God has entrusted to us as the body of Christ. Please pray for these orphanages in Gorom and Yako.

Now that vacation is over, it is time to get back to the ministry God has given me at this time. Tonight we will welcome a team of five men from the Bifork Association of Baptist churches (TX). They are coming for the first time to take a vision trip to see how the Lord might use them among the unreached peoples of Burkina Faso. We are going to take them to scout out the land of the Dogosé and Komono peoples of far southwestern Burkina. Having already taken three trips to visit in the area I can say that these are some of the least evangelized and most difficult to reach (physically speaking) people groups in Burkina Faso. Reaching them will be a huge challenge. Pray that the Lord will provide the strength, wisdom, and endurance to meet the challenge.

Praise God for:

* sending the Word of God (now in written form) to the Marensé people.
* the blessing of fellowship with good friends and a short time of vacation.
* sending the Bifork Association to explore the opportunities for ministry in Burkina.

Please pray that:

* “the Word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified” among the Marensé people (2 Thess. 3:1).
* God would provide for and bless the ministry to orphans in Gorom and Yako.
* God to reveal His will to the Bifork Association of churches as to how they can serve Him in Burkina.
* God would move in the hearts and lives of the Dogosé and Komono peoples.

Thanks so much for your continued prayers. I am truly blessed to have your support. God bless!

kerry spencer

Final thought:

I want to know one thing: the way to heaven. God Himself has condescended to teach me the way. He has written it down in a book. Oh, give me that book! At any price give me the book of God. Let me be a man of one book.
~ John Wesley