May 16, 2009

Sincere doubt

Ed and I have been doing a weekly Bible study together for months. We have had a number of great talks about his life, his family, his faith and his doubts. Recently we were discussing heaven and Ed made the comment, “It’s a beautiful thing when you know you’re invited.” So I asked him if he believes that he is invited. Ed told me he’s not sure, but he doubts it.

Ed is very aware of his sin. He is also very familiar with the Bible. He takes very seriously the passages about good trees bearing good fruit. When he honestly examines his life, he doesn’t see much good fruit, so he doubts his salvation. Rightly so I suppose.

I admire Ed for his genuineness. He walks to the beat of a different drummer in our culture which is quick to dismiss sin and proclaim that we’re all good people bound for heaven. Some refer to this attitude as “easy believism” or “cheap grace.” Just believe in “God” (whatever “God” you chose) and He’ll forgive you, no matter what.

However, there is another extreme, which Ed flirts with. This extreme believes that we are too wretched and God’s grace is inadequate for us to be made right with Him. “How could God love me?,” it asks. Indeed, it should be difficult for us to grasp and comprehend this truth. This is a great mystery. This is the Gospel.

Tim Keller says, “In the gospel we discover that we are far more wicked than we ever dared believe, yet more loved than we ever dared hope.” I appreciate that Ed admits his own wickedness. I pray that Ed will soon embrace God’s love and give his live to Him completely.

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