March 9, 2009

While we have Opportunity

Sam is moving out in the next couple days. He is one of my best friends among the residents. I’ve shared in the past that a resident leaving us brings mixed emotions. Granted, I would not really like for any of my friends to live the rest of their life here at Jeff. Street. It’s a good place, but the idea is that we help people to move on to something better. So I’m sad that Sam is moving out, but I’m happy that he has the opportunity to get his own place. Fortunately we now have the type of relationship that I can call him up and continue to hang out, go to church, and stay connected.

Probably the biggest struggle I’m having is the nagging question, “Have I made the most of my time with Sam?” I must honestly answer “no,” but isn’t that nearly always the case. Certainly we have built a relationship. For a while now we’ve tried to do a weekly Bible study together. Sam went to church with us a couple times. We had many chats over dinner down in the cafeteria. We are friends.

But despite all this, I ask myself, “How much did I challenge him? How much did I encourage him? How much did I show Sam God’s love and share with him God’s truth?” My answer is, simply, “not enough.” Some of you may think I’m being too hard on myself, but I know I’ve missed opportunities with Sam and others.

We all need to heed Paul’s words, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith” (Galatians 6:10). Because every opportunity eventually runs out.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

yikes. i needed that one today.