Greetings from Burkina Faso! The life of an international missionary includes many ‘goodbyes,’ but fortunately many ‘hello agains’ as well. Another two years of ministry in West Africa is coming to a close. The ‘goodbyes’ have started. The ‘hello agains’ are coming soon. It has been such a blessing to be a small part of God’s plan for this part of the world. I give God all the glory for all that we’ve accomplished these past two years. His provision and protection have been abundant. I praise God especially for his protection on the roads, as a huge part of our ministry included many, many miles of driving on difficult and treacherous roads. Likewise, although sicknesses came – God provided healing. He provided wonderful friends in my missionary community who made a great surrogate family. In our ministry, He provided much-needed co-laborers. Some of those co-labors will continue ministering even after our departure. The Lord also worked his miracle of salvation in people’s lives through our feeble efforts at evangelism. God blessed in so many ways. I give Him praise and thanks for that. Here are some figures to help summarize the last couple years:
- We hosted more than 130 volunteers from 20 different states.
- Completed research on over 50 different people groups in three countries (BF/Ghana/Niger), involving uncountable miles driven.
- 5 churches are committed to continuing ministry among some of the least reached people groups after our departure. (see last newsletter for a list)
- 1 new girlfriend (more news to come).
- Many new friends: Burkinabé and American.
The Engagement Team (what our team is called – in case you’ve forgotten) has exciting plans for West Africa in the years to come. For one, it appears that there will be someone to replace us here in Burkina towards the end of this year. Our research will continue to be of use to the IMB, the local Baptist Convention, and other mission organizations. God’s work will continue among the peoples we have begun to engage with the Gospel. Also He will surely be working among those who have not yet been engaged. We know this because one day there will be “a great multitude which not one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9). This chapter of ministry is closing for me, but I hope to always be a part of ushering in this future reality.
I will leave Burkina around 3 AM on February 28th. I will fly to Morocco to meet several friends who have also been serving in West Africa. We’ll do a little traveling thorough Morocco, Spain, and Portugal. After that I have a short stop in New York and then I’m back in Kentucky on March 13th. My plans after that . . . are a bit ambiguous. I will of course be visiting family and friends in KY. But I also will be spending significant time in L.A. – Lower Alabama. For those of you who may not know, I have a girlfriend, Tiffany Folse, who is living there. Our relationship first budded when she came back to Burkina last March (she was a missionary here from 2001-2003). It has been growing and progressing ever since. We are excited to discover what the Lord has in store for us. And of course we appreciate your prayers concerning that.
So this may be the last you hear from me in Burkina Faso (for a while anyway), but I will likely continue to update this webpage and with pictures from my trip home and any other important news that may come, so stay tuned.
Praise God for:
* His protection and provision during my past two years in Burkina Faso.
* those who will continue to minister to the least reached peoples of West Africa.
* His giving me a girlfriend!
Please pray for:
* safety and good times during my travels towards home.
* the continuing task of reaching the unreached people groups of West Africa.
* Tiffany and I as we seek God’s plans for us.
One last time – thank you so very much for your prayers and for your interest in my life and ministry here in West Africa. I greatly look forward to seeing many of you in the near future. May God bless you abundantly!
kerry spencer
Final thought:
Absence is to love what wind is to fire;
it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
~ Comte DeBussy-Rabutin
Kerry, I am THRILLED to hear about you and Tiffany! You will certainly be in my prayers as you discern God's will for your future. Have safe travels and great times!! :)
Hey Kerry!
I'm glad to hear you'll be coming around! Wanna go camping with Paul Barth, Travis Westerfield, Brady Hudson, and myself? We're going backpacking May 19-24!
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