January 28, 2008

Burkina newsletter #35

Greetings from Burkina Faso! I’m excited to report that another salvation has come from Southside Baptist’s ministry (by the grace of God) among the Sambla. Ironically the new believer, Isa (the name for Jesus in Arabic), is a Tiefo man. This is ironic because Pastor Kenny and his church are the ones who have adopted the Tiefo. This shows at least two things. First it shows that Burkina is a very diverse mélange. Second: God is Sovereign – He can use whatever means He wants and He likes to surprise us. Southside also continued to strengthen relationships with the people of the village. They are excited about the possibilities in their continued ministry there.

Pastor Kenny, of Davidson St. Baptist (SC), was, at the same time, ministering among the Tiefo. He had the opportunity, on behalf of his church, to provide a broken part to repair one of their pump wells. The people were very excited to have that well back in operation. There is a saying here: “Water is life.” After helping to repair the well we also got to share about Jesus and the “living water” (John 4) that only He offers. Davidson St. and some partnering churches have a number of future trips planned to continue ministering among the Tiefo.

These were the last two volunteer teams before my departure. It is exciting to see that we have five churches committed to returning to Burkina after our departure to continue ministering among these unreached people groups. To refresh your memory, those churches and the people groups they minister to are:

Southside Baptist (Lufkin, TX) – Sambla people

Davidson St. Baptist & friends (Clinton, SC) – Tiefo

Bartlett Baptist (Bartlett, TN) – Vigué

Compassion Church (Raleigh, NC) – Western Karaboro

FBC Pearland (Pearland, TX) – Dogosé

I thank the Lord for them and ask that you will continue to pray for the Lord of the harvest to bless the ministry He has given each of these churches.

Last time I ask for prayer about the unfortunate possibility of my needing a root canal. I am very happy to report that I no longer have any pain in that tooth. It looks like all is well for the near future. Thanks for your prayers.

In recent days I have been doing a little more research and a lot of cleaning/packing/preparing to leave my house in Bobo. The near future will hold more of the same as well as many goodbyes. Today is exactly one month away from my departure from Burkina (Feb. 28). That is a bittersweet thought. I will avoid getting sentimental here as I hope you write you again to try to sum up my time and give some final thoughts before I leave. Until then . . .

Praise God for:

* the salvation that the Lord has brought about in Isa’s life.
* the ministry of Southside Baptist, Davidson St., and the other churches the Lord has led to minister among the unreached peoples here in Burkina.
* the tremendous improvement in the state of my formerly sore tooth.

Please pray for:

* Isa, the new believer in Badara, that Pastor Isa (yes – two guys – one name) will be able to disciple Him in the faith.
* all five of the churches who have committed to ministering to these unreached people groups. Pray that the Lord would move in the hearts and minds of those the have and will continue to minister to.
* my preparations and goodbyes as I move toward my departure.

Again. Verily I say unto you: I am very thankful for all your prayers and support during the past (nearly) two years. You each have been a blessing to me. God has been so good (no surprise). Blessings!

kerry spencer

Final thoughts:

Our imagination so magnifies the present, because we are continually thinking about it, and so reduces eternity, because we do not think about it, that we turn eternity into nothing and nothing into eternity.
~ Blaise Pascal


The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow beings.
~ William Hazlitt

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