Just another example of African ingenuity. This is a load of cloth strapped on the back (and front) of the moto with a couple strips of rubber. This belongs to a merchant who came to sell his cloth in the market. [All these photos are courtesy of David Myers - superstar volunteer.]

Nice silhouette of some palm trees at sunset in the Western Karaboro village of Tengrela.

Kid holding up a tree? No he's (or she's) watching the Jesus film. See photo below.

One of several groups we showed the Jesus film to last week. You can't quite see it but the film is being shown on a small portable DVD player (on a chair behind the limb). We usually show the film at night but decided to squeeze in a matinee under the mango tree.

We did a lot of praying for the needs of the Western Karaboro. The word got out and many people can to us to be prayed for. Others were brought - like this young boy, who has some leg problems (you can really tell when he walks). If you look closely you can see a couple leather pouches hanging around his neck. These amulets are given - for a price - by the local witchdoctor. They are supposed help the boy or protect him from whatever spirits might be causing his problems. The people were surprised and delighted that our prayers were free! Please join us in praying for the Western Karaboro to know the love, power, and grace of Jesus Christ.
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