Here are a couple guys playing on a traditional balofon (West African cousin of the xylophone). The bars are made of wood. Under the bars are some gourds of various sizes with a hole chopped out of the top to allow for resonation.

Here are some rock stars who came to visit recently. Get it? "Rock" stars. Anyway. These are the three guys from Compassion Church who recently came on a vision trip (sorry - other team member Sam is not pictured). The guy on the top left is a Burkinabe pastor who we've partnered with for quite a while. These rocks are part of one of the coolest places in Burkina. They're called the Peaks of Sindou.

Have I shown you the cashew fruit yet? If not here it is. These things grow on short little trees. The yellowish-red part is edible though I'm not surprise it is not as popular as the nut. The green part is supposedly poisonous. Interestingly that's where the nut is found.

Here's a little guy fishing for a mango. Those are the little green things hanging from the tree. Think about this. It has not rained a drop here since October, yet the mango is coming ripe and is one of the juiciest fruits there is. How does that work?

Just a fun flower I saw recently. Check out the thorny stem on the left.
1 comment:
Hey Kerry! Thanks for the shout out on the pics..haha! We have some pretty cool pictures that I'd be happy to email to you if you'd like. Just shoot me an email to reply to...msgop2020@hotmail.com.
Thanks in BF going well this week? We gave a presentation last night on our trip at church and it went really well! God totally moved in people's hearts...I think people really started to catch a vision for ministry there!
I hope you're well! Thanks for all the prayer! Can't wait to be back in Burkina with ya'll!
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