March 19, 2007
Music, mangoes, and more
Here are some rock stars who came to visit recently. Get it? "Rock" stars. Anyway. These are the three guys from Compassion Church who recently came on a vision trip (sorry - other team member Sam is not pictured). The guy on the top left is a Burkinabe pastor who we've partnered with for quite a while. These rocks are part of one of the coolest places in Burkina. They're called the Peaks of Sindou.
Have I shown you the cashew fruit yet? If not here it is. These things grow on short little trees. The yellowish-red part is edible though I'm not surprise it is not as popular as the nut. The green part is supposedly poisonous. Interestingly that's where the nut is found.
Here's a little guy fishing for a mango. Those are the little green things hanging from the tree. Think about this. It has not rained a drop here since October, yet the mango is coming ripe and is one of the juiciest fruits there is. How does that work?
Just a fun flower I saw recently. Check out the thorny stem on the left.
March 16, 2007
Burkina newsletter #20 (special one-year edition)
Greetings from
Currently we have an old friend and a new one visiting us. Tiffany Folse formerly served in Burkina as a Journeyman (2-year missionary) with the Woods. She is accompanied by her friend Tylina. While here they will visit Tiffany’s old stomping grounds and then see some of the areas we’ve been seeking to minister in. After their departure the Woods and I will be on our own again, for a few weeks anyway.
As another year in Burkina has come and gone (as of March 3) I have been able to reflect a little. I will simply say that God has been so good to protect me, sustain me, teach me, and use me here. I am so unworthy to be His servant much less His child. I thank God for shepherding me on this adventure of ministry. I pray that He will be exalted among the nations. And He will be. (Psalm 46:10)
Praise God for:
* calling and sending more laborers, churches like Bartlett Baptist and Compassion Church, to play their part in the Great Commission.
* the return visit of Tiffany and the first for Tylina.
* another wonderful year in
Please pray for:
* the Lord to continue to draw Karim and the Vigue people to Himself. Pray that He will give them the courage and faith to follow Him.
* God to guide
* God to be exalted among the Turka, Senufo Senara, Sambla, and
Thank your for your interest in me and more importantly the unreached peoples of
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered.
An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
~ G.K. Chesterton