June 23, 2006

Burkina newsletter #8.5

Greetings from Burkina Faso! Here’s another quick update on our summer ministry. I mentioned last time that I was going to Dakoro to spend about four days with our team there. Easily the most significant happening during my time there (from my point of view anyway) was a meeting we had with the chief. He was very welcoming and gracious with us. He tried to encourage us by explaining how Islam and Christianity lead to the same place. Of course, I disagreed, but I was a bit hesitant about whether I should tell him what I thought, with him being the chief and all. I pondered and said a quick prayer. Then I had the opportunity to explain to him some of the differences between Christianity and Islam: namely, Jesus Christ being God rather than a mere prophet and salvation by grace and faith rather than works. I feel like he received the words well. He must not have been terribly offended since he showed up at church the next Sunday. The chief sitting through a church service is a very significant event. I thank God for this opportunity and the words He gave me. Please pray with me for the chief of Dakoro. Romans 10:1 – “Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation.”

We are at the midpoint of our summer ministry. Last night we said goodbye to a group of seven volunteers and said hello to a group of four new volunteers. We are now orienting these newcomers and will be going out to villages again on Saturday. Two groups will continue to work with the Tiefo and Lyele people groups while I will take a new team to the Vigue people for another two weeks and a couple days. Please continue to pray for us and these unreached peoples.

Praise God for:

* the openness of the Dakoro chief and the opportunity to share with him.
* opening doors for the Word and giving us the opportunities to share.
* the volunteers God has sent to serve with us.

Please pray for:

* God to continue to open doors for the Word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ (Col. 4:3).
* God to work in the hearts of Seydou, Kareem, and Vali.
* patience, endurance, wisdom, guidance, and health for us and the volunteers.
* the volunteers who return to the States to be able to communicate what God has done in their lives and among these unreached people groups.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. God bless!

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