This is a common scene wherever we go. So many African kids are fascinated by the white man. I feel sure we are the first that some of them ever see. What a privilege. These kids seem quite happy to see us. Other common responses are crying and running. The white guy who's leg and hand you see is my colleague Aaron Mills. I could show you his face, but then he'd have to kill you. Just kidding. He is based in Senegal but we were working together in Ghana. (By the way, this picture and the one below were taken by the "Pocket-Cam." The "Pocket-Cam" is technique whereby I stealthfully peek the camera out of my pocket, take a picture, and slide it back in without being detected.)

What do African kids like more than the white man? The white man's truck. They like to touch it and often chase us down the road as we leave. Again it is a rarity for them to see a vehicle up close, especially where this picture was taken. This was in the very remote area of Burkina that I mentioned a while back in a newsletter.

Here are just some more random kids for your viewing pleasure. They were in the village of Chordbang in northwestern Ghana.
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